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How have you been enjoying The 2x2 so far?

About six months ago, I started writing this newsletter. Through those months, you’ve already read my take on disruptive business models, along with all the PowerPoint templates, frameworks, and hacks I’ve developed in my 25 years as a strategy consultant. 

We’ve come a long way, and I couldn’t have done it without your great response.

Since we’ve been getting a lot of love from you, I figured I should tell more people about it.

My core audience is other consultants, but the content would be helpful to anyone who is asked to solve strategic problems.

In fact, it’s probably most helpful to people who don’t have consulting backgrounds.

If you think The 2x2 could benefit someone else, forward this email and invite them to subscribe here.

I’m getting a ton out of it personally. The 2x2 has become my way to help others move up and to the right. And I would love it if we could grow our community together.

We’d be delighted if you forward this to your friends, coworkers, or juniors who can find something helpful or interesting or both here.

Thanks for spreading the word about The 2x2!

Always grateful for your support,



If you or your team is struggling with visualizing a strategic issue, respond and let me know. I would love to develop frameworks and templates related to real challenges for this summers’ issues.