From Mastery to Magic

Welcome back to The 2x2 - the ultimate newsletter for independent consultants! We're here to ignite your imagination, empower your expertise, and make this Twosday an unforgettable day of discovery. With curated tools, in-depth solutions, groundbreaking new methods, and a dash of coolness, we've got your consulting prowess covered from every angle.

Get ready for a quadruple dose of awesomeness in this week’s email:

  1. How to deliver a kick-ass proposal

  2. The magic of Mario Peña’s Megapaca

  3. The art and science of marketing yourself

  4. A last word on words

What do you propose image

1. Exactly What Do You Propose?

All proposals are important. Ok, maybe a client proposal doesn’t have the long-term impact of, say, a marriage proposal. But as a newly minted indie, it definitely just might be the difference between you making your mortgage payment or living in a van down by the river. 

So let us walk you through the steps to delivering a winning proposal:

  1. Build  a map of the client’s world: their goals, their business and the forces they face. Pro tip: regular conversations with (100+)prospective and former clients help build your core competency in this space

  2. Identify the client’s roadblock, and specific goals. Pro tip: use 5 whys or more until you get to the root obstacle

  3. This might include the criteria for success, political forces, timeframes, etc. Pro tip: Ask decision criteria, constraints, and considerations questions to frame it up using ou Decision Canvas Template

  4. Chart the course with your proposed Scope of Work. Pro tip: Include a project cost estimate

This is a pivotal point in the process as clients want to see that you have a well-structured approach. 

  1. Guide the journey. Keep the momentum flowing and build your prospective client’s confidence in you by addressing concerns until they’re ready to commit. Pro tip: By providing a bit of pro bono value at this phase, clients will have a taste and comfort with what you can deliver

  2. Sign the agreements! Send a signed professional agreement that outlines all of the details of the work and relationship. Use your own templates or one of our many time-saving templates. Pro tip: Schedule a kickoff meeting to win a small victory and immediately build confidence. 

Your proposal is now polished, your strategy clear, and the path forward is mapped. It's time to clinch the deal and turn prospects into partners. Remember, this isn't just a transaction; it's the beginning of a valuable collaboration.

2. This Guy Is Turning Your Old Clothes into $200 Million

Two hundred million dollars. 

That’s what Megapaca, under the guidance of founder and CEO Mario Peña, is making each year from the clothes, toys and housewares Americans throw away. More than just a resale operation, Guatemala-based Megapaca has created a business model that has flipped the traditional resell model upside down. Last year alone, the company imported a staggering 45 million pounds of used goods from the US.  It racked up 12 million transactions, selling through a remarkable 70 million items in its 115 stores in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

How has he done this? It’s simple. He’s built an operation centered on a deep, core understanding of his customers’ emotional motivations, shopping behaviors and economics. 

Want to know who else has mastered a low basket size business that relies on foot traffic? Buc-ee’s. Nobody understands the emotional motivation, shopping needs, economics of the Texan motorist better than them. 

Buc-ees x Megapaca: We’ve deep-dived it all in our first Business Breakdown. Trust us, you don’t want to miss it.

Megapaca vs. Buc-ee’s

3. Selling Yourself as an Indie

Remember the time when that fancy consulting firm logo on your business card opened doors? Those days were great, weren’t they? But here you are, on your own, ready to be the disruptor, the innovator, and the game-changer. So, how do you make sure you’re as magnetic solo as you were with a big-name firm backing you? Lace up, it's game time!

Indie Consultant

1. It's Personal Now – Embrace It! You're not just a cog in a machine anymore. As an independent consultant, you're the brand. So, polish that personal brand. Network, share thought leadership, and tell your unique story. Embrace the personal connections you can now make without big corporate policies in the way.

For insiders, check out our infographic to Market Yourself in 5 Steps.

2. Showcase Your Successes - And Make Them Shine! Remember that project you led which became a company best-practice? Flaunt it. You're the star player now, and every goal you've scored in the past is yours alone to showcase.

3. Your Agility is Your Strength. Big firms move slowly. But you? You're nimble. You can tailor your approach, pivot when needed, and offer bespoke solutions. Clients appreciate responsiveness and adaptability, and you've got it in spades.

4. Dive Deep into Niches. While large firms tout broad expertise, you can become the go-to expert in niche areas. By deep-diving into specialized topics, you can offer unparalleled expertise that clients won't find anywhere else.

5. Transparency is the New Black. Without the overhead of a massive firm, you can be more transparent in pricing and deliverables. Clarity builds trust, and trust leads to long-term relationships.

6. Leverage Testimonials. You’ve done stellar work before; let others vouch for you! Testimonials and case studies can be more impactful than any firm logo. A recommendation from a satisfied client can be your golden ticket.

7. Stay Updated, Stay Ahead. The consulting world evolves rapidly. Regularly upskill and stay updated with industry changes. Not only will this keep you ahead of the curve, but it'll also showcase your commitment to excellence.

8. Network Like Your Career Depends On It (Because It Does). Without a big firm's clientele to lean on, you need to build and nurture your network. Attend industry events, join online forums, and remember – every interaction is a potential lead.

Being an independent consultant doesn’t mean working with less prestige; it means working with more freedom, agility, and personal touch. While you might not have that recognizable logo behind you anymore, you have something far more powerful: yourself. So, go out there, be the disruptor, and show the world that you're top-tiered, all on your own!

P.S. We love this point of view too. Check out 12 methods you can start using today on

Word Map

4. Embracing the Quirky Charm of Words

Are you a word nerd? A connoisseur of the quirky side of the English language? Do words like "pumpernickel" (which delightfully means "devil's fart") tickle your fancy, or do you cringe along with our teens at the mere mention of "moist"? 

Let's pause and ponder for a moment—have you REALLY delved deep into the world of words? 

Recognizing them not merely as tools of communication but as extraordinary vessels of history, culture, and science is akin to unearthing linguistic treasures.

Consider "bailiwick," my all-time lexical love. It's a gem from the Middle Ages, rooted in the Old English term "baili," a kin of "bailiff." But think less of the modern-day enforcer and more of a medieval VIP, the village honcho, if you will. Over time, "bailiwick" evolved from the scope of a bailiff's responsibility to a stylish expression of one's particular domain of expertise. "Mergers and acquisitions? Oh, that's my bailiwick."

Have you ever found yourself completely stumped over the spelling of the most simple words? I've had my moments of doubt with "of" of all words. Ov? Uhf? It seems even the basics can surprise us.

For those who love the scientific symphony of semantics, allow me to point you towards some intellectual playgrounds:

  • This article from BBC Future on Why We Need New Words for Live in the Anthropocene

  • Lexico - This is a portal to the rich tapestry of English, providing definitions, etymology, and more, straight from the experts at Oxford.

  • Fun With Words - Revel in the lighter side of language, where puns and anagrams show us the playful personality of English.

  • And if you really want to go deep, The Dialect Blog - Explore how language conveys meaning differently across dialects and accents.

So go on, embrace the idiosyncrasies of English, from its oddest oddities to its most mundane. After all, it's not just about speaking or writing—it's about partaking in the grand, ongoing experiment of human expression.

Remember, the path to success is paved with continuous learning and embracing fresh perspectives. So let's stay connected, share ideas, and elevate your consulting business.

Stay curious, our friends.

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